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Benjamin James


Welcome. May your time here provide insight and understanding.

Unsure where to begin or want to chat about your specific needs? Please reach out, I would be more than happy to have a discussion with you.

My Story

Welcome, I’m Ben and I’m so pleased you have navigated your way here to find out more about me and the work I am so passionate about. 

How did I end up here? It was a thought in my mind for a long time, and through the deeply personal and community focused experience of honouring the life of a dear friend, who left this life too soon, I was shown a way of approaching the experience of death, grief and loss in an entirely different way. This experience highlighted the transformative power of rituals and holistic support in guiding communities through the process of healing.


It was at this point I felt my calling in being able to show up for others at this sensitive and vulnerable time and I embarked on learning everything I could to share that knowledge with people in need and be part of the change in how we respond to death.


I think I have always been unique and somewhat outside the box, whether it be with my previous careers, my hobbies, my identity and sexuality as a gay man, my relationships with others, my experiences with mental health and where I fit in this world. All these areas of my life experience have helped shape who I am today and what I am able to bring to others, and to me that’s the exciting part. 


I guess “exciting” is an unusual word to use when we talk about end of life and how we respond to death. I don’t use this word lightly; I use it having drawn on my own experience of the transformative comfort that can come with being fully empowered at this final stage of life. The possibilities availed to us when we are given the information to make informed decisions and think outside of what we may consider the norm. To be part of a community’s transformation is the “exciting” part for me, to show up in my entirety and sit alongside people as they navigate their own experience.  


I am a Funeral Director, I am a Celebrant, I am an End-of-Life Doula. Roles that may not necessarily seem unusual or unique, and in part they aren’t. The uniqueness comes in being all of these and the continuum of care that can be offered throughout the whole end of life experience. Unique in that the role of an end-of-life doula within Australia, and around the world, is a space that has primarily been occupied by women who harness their maternal, nurturing instincts to provide support and comfort. Can men offer the same support? Of course they can, and in certain situations, when meeting the needs of individuals, they may be able to offer more because of who they are and what they have experienced. I acknowledge that gender can play a role in how individuals respond to death through coping mechanisms, communication styles, expressing emotion and an emphasis on autonomy. 

Starting a conversation often leads to unexpected and remarkable insights. My involvement is all about tailoring the journey to your needs. So, I invite you to reach out and let's chat. Together, we can explore the possibilities ahead.

Based in Sydney, my support stretches across the city and its surroundings. Don't hesitate to get in touch, and let's kick off this journey together, preparing for whatever lies ahead.

Training and Experience 

End-of-Life Doula training by Preparing the Way.

Practitioner Member of HELD - Holistic End of Life Death Care Australia  

End of Life Law for Clinicians - 13 Modules, 11 Credit Hours

The Centre for Sacred Deathcare - “When Death is Coming”

Authorised Marriage Celebrant 

Funeral Consultancy and Celebrancy with Zenith Virago of the Natural Death Care Centre

My Role as a EOLD


When individuals grapple with a life-limiting illness or confront the complexities of aging, they navigate a distinctive and at times intricate path towards the end-of-life.

Much like a birth doula supports during the arrival into the world, an end-of-life doula assumes a non-medical role, guiding individuals through the ultimate transition from life to death and providing care even after death.

As an end-of-life doula, my primary role encompasses companionship, education, and advocacy for both the individual nearing the end of life and their broader community. I extend practical and emotional support, facilitating a collaborative exploration to identify the most suitable goals based on the individual's unique needs.

My approach is personalised to each person's circumstances. Recognising the varying degrees of involvement, I recommend initiating communication through a phone call or meeting to share insights and formulate an ideal plan.

I specialise in a holistic approach that empowers individuals to make informed decisions regarding their unique end-of-life needs.



Companionship: In the face of uncertainty, my role is to be a comforting and understanding presence, offering both practical and emotional support.

Education: Your journey is unique, and understanding it is key. Together, we explore and determine the most fitting goals based on your individual needs.

Advocacy: Your voice is heard, and your choices are respected. I stand by your side as your advocate, ensuring your needs are met.



Your path is as unique as you are. Let’s connect through a call or meeting, exchanging insights and formulating a plan tailored to your specific circumstances. This may involve everything from advanced care documents to arranging resources for home-based care and engaging in heartfelt conversations with your support network.



Document Preparation: Let's ensure your wishes are clearly and compassionately documented.

Home-Based Care Talks: Discussing care options that resonate with your values and preferences.

Community Support: Empowering your loved ones to be an integral part of your care network.

Vigils: Creating a serene space for reflection and connection before and after death.

After-Death Support: Providing gentle comfort and assistance, including home based body care and cooling plate hire.

Funeral Planning: A seamless continuum of care that extends beyond the moment of death.


With a deep commitment to providing a compassionate and comprehensive approach, I am here to support you on this journey, ensuring your end-of-life needs are met with the utmost care and consideration.

The Mourning After

The Mourning After Podcat.png

Join host, Ben as we explore the male perspective of the end-of-life experience as he engages in heartfelt and honest conversations with men from the community and professionals working in the field.



0408 162 386

Sydney, NSW

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